It is STYLISH to Share!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tony Rich...Exist

Hey Good People,

I hope this post finds everyone well. I wanted to share with you that I love Tony Rich's new album. I saw him perform recently at the Thurgood Marshall College Fund Annual Awards Dinner recently. In short....the album is hot! R&B is on a roll...those who were out of the picture are coming back strong!

Tony Rich's new ablum, EXIST comes after a period of personal reflection where his delving into other aspects of the fine arts has resulted in a deeply personal yet relatable collection of eleven songs including the lead single "Part The Waves." Fans will be treated to Tony's photography and artwork in the album packaging which was created entirely by his hand. (excerpt from Amazon).

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pay Close Attention to the Shoes!!!

Hey good people!

Times are hard. People are tired and the weight of the world is taking us down.
True picture below....a friend of mine came to work with two different boots on! (look at the heels!).
We are running scared in the wrong shoes!
Make sure you friend needs her sanity back!