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Sunday, December 30, 2007

2008...Still Singing Off Key!

Hey good people...

Wow, 2008! Are you excited? I am. I am looking forward to a better me...and a better you. I was not really big on making 'resolutions'. Well, actually, I made them but I was not serious about it.

Where I was yesterday...

Something hit me two years ago. On the eve of 2006, I remember being in my apartment in New myself. No, don't say 'ahhhh', I had a party to go to, but I wanted to ring in the new year with a plan that I knew that I would stick to. So to do this, I needed to be alone when the time changed. I was going to take this resolution thing serious this time. So I needed to be by myself to reflect on what I wanted, personally and professionally. I needed to hear my own voice. No one around to influence my thoughts. I thought about what made me happy, what drove me to the highest level of pisstosity (yes...that mad!) and those things that were neutral.

What I learned about myself was that I lost focus. I lost focus because I lost my voice. I could not hear me...I heard everyone else's thoughts about life. Actually my voice was not lost, I was just quiet. For awhile, I said nothing about anything. Life was happening around me and I was a passive participant.

Well I decided that the time for passivity was up and I was going to roar like the Leo that I am. I was going to participate and make it known. I got some paper from the printer and used my favorite pen and jotted down my personal note to God. I asked for prepartion, guidance and protection as I embarked on this new journey. I had a lot on my heart...remember I was quiet for a minute, so I had a lot to say! But tell you what, it was not a long note, but it covered so much. I put in my bible, using it as a bookmark to read Psalms 23.

I felt so content knowing that I finally decided to open my mouth. I got dressed, went to the party and had a good time.

Where I am today...

2007 came and it is going in the next 24 hours. While I will not mention my personal conversation, I will tell you, MY VOICE is LOUD. This time last year, I was packing the last box from my apartment in New Jersey and moving into my new home in Mount Vernon, New York. I came home, dropped the last box in my empty living room. The new year found me by myself, again, this time in a big house. Yes, I had several places to go to, but you know what...yep, you guessed it...I had a party in my house, with a one woman band. Ain't nothing like focusing and hearing your own voice, and loving it, even though it was a little of key!

I love my kitchen!

I wish you a focused and loud 2008!

Need some getting started on finding your voice, check out these tips for making resolutions for next year...

* How to keep your New Year's resolution on or (yes, men have great advice too!)