It is STYLISH to Share!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Greetings Good People...

Hi. Welcome to my blog. I came up with this idea because friends, family, co-workers and even strangers constantly ask me questions about everything under the sun and "I don't mind sharing...". From the lastest perfume I am wearing to the most recent book I read to my favorite toothpaste, "I don't mind sharing..."

I think it is a great thing to share information, big or small! I have found that I was able to drive awareness (and yes new business!) to the local business owner as well as the corporate retail giants (not like they know that I did but I am going to change that!). Or simply help a friend - "They are having a sale at...'such and such'... I got a 30% off coupon if you want it."
So there you have it... enjoy. P.S. Feel free to share with me too!