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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just Playing...

You know a staycation can work wonders. I really liked staying home for a week cleaning and re-arranging things. I went through my photo collection to organize it by date. (This is about the 400th time I tried to do this). Organizing my photos meant opening up the memory chest. I had some good memories. Family events, hanging out with my friends and plenty of wedding shots - the bridesmaid, never the bride.

I had a fun time being in and going to weddings. I had a GREAT time at my friend Monika's wedding in North Carolina. The wedding was beautiful but the real fun was just a few days before. From 'losing' a dress at the cleaners and leaving a dress on the plane as it flew overnight to California then back to North Carolina to nearly cussing out the wedding planner! Yes, it was fun. The love Monika and Chris shared and continue to share was such an inspiration. They are such a good couple.

Well at the bachelorette party, I was clowning around. We had to act out what we thought Monika and Chris would be doing in the next six months. Well as you can see...I said she was going to be happily pregnant! (And not with stuff pillows as I was for five minutes during the hilarious scene.
Well needless to say I don't think it was six months...more like 10. Little Bailey arrived and now they are on baby number two. Congrats you two!