Hey Good People!

Check out the stove!
Some of you may know that my younger sister Claudia is a chef. But everyday I remind my mother and my entire family that they sent the wrong one to cooking school. I should have been the one throwing on the apron, banging the pots around and breaking a dish or two (or three!).
I got skills in the kitchen! Give me some Ramen Noodles (3 for $2!) and I can present you a gourmet meal with the random stuff in the cabinets. My girls from SHU can tell you. Well, first they may crack the jokes about my BBQ chicken (my classic dish - I always make it!). When they get past that - they will vouch for my extensive cooking skills. No recipe book! No Johnson & Wales degree (no dis to my sister)! Just straight up natural ability.
I learned how to cook in Jamaica when I was 8 years old. My grandmother taught me. I did not learn on a traditional stove. We cooked with heated rocks and burning wood. On my recent trip back there earlier this year I was so excited to cook again outside - like I was eight. My grandmother is no longer with us - but I tell you, she was there with me in spirit seasoning the chicken and helping me make the fire.
If you have ever had the great pleasure of enjoying my cooking, say thanks to my grandmother for being the best teacher in the world!

That is me frying some chicken - skills baby! (Jamaica, 2008)