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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Summer Memories

Hey Good People!

How was your weekend? Mine was good. I spent the time chilling at home on Saturday. Today my friend Michelle and I had brunch at a nice restaurant in New Rochelle.

After brunch I came home and just taking inventory of what I did this summer. I did a lot. But what I was most proud of was my garden. When I bouthgt my house nearly two years ago I was "challenged" in the green thumb area. Flowers were dying left and right. It would be pretty and colorful for a hot minute and then poof... DEAD!

But not any more. I got the hang of it with the help of my neighbors seven year grandson. Look, I will take all the help I can get!

I am glad that I did. I took this photo to add to my summer memories. Pretty isn't it?

I will gladly help you next year- I will ask my neighbor if her grandson can come along.