Hey Good People - or should I say "Good Morning Sunshine"? This is such a beautiful song and the riddim is very hot. Nice lazy Saturday morning riddim. But you have to check out the Tami Chin song at the end - "Be With You". I was not a huge fan before...but I love this song. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
JamaicaEats Magazine...Answer for the Lover of Island Food!

Enjoy...and feel free to invite sista girl over to sample some of your dishes!!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Nominate Someone for the 40 Under Forty!
Hey Good People!!!
The Network Journal is now accepting nomination for the 2009 40 Under Forty Award. Do you know someone? It is a great award...yours truly received the award in 2005 - I was honored to be in great company...check out the full list of honorees!
Go ahead...what are you waiting for...nominate someone!
From The Network Journal
We are searching for 40 of the most dynamic business and professional leaders under the age of 40. We’re looking for candidates who share a commitment to business growth, professional excellence and to the community.
The 12th Annual 40-Under-Forty Achievement Awards will honor this new generation of men and women who are making headlines in their fields. Winners will be featured in the special issue of The Network Journal, June 2009. (Anyone who is 39 years or younger before June 15th is eligible.) Click here to nominate someone....
Posted by
9:00 AM
Labels: professional development
Friday, December 5, 2008
You Think You Have Musical Sense?
Hey Good People!
You know I love sharing... A friend of mine has a site that you might find interesting because I did! I think you should check it out----Cap D's Musical Two Sense .
It is the flashbacks are fun and interesting AND thought provoking at the same time. Here is an excerpt from their profile:
PLEASE NOTE: THIS BLOG IS NOT FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 15. Welcome to "Cap-D's Two Sense. This blog was originally founded by five good friends with a passion for music. What began as a music blog has now evolved into something much larger and powerful forum. You may see other relevant or irrevelant NON-RELATED musical posts in the future, in addition to the normally scheduled topics. "
Posted by
4:33 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Deals for 2008 Black Friday....Brad's Deal
Hey Good People!
You know I love sharing information about coupons! I came across a news release on the Beta Newswire it is about BradsDeal.com and its 2008 Black Friday shopping deals.
I ofter use this site because they offer great discounts when I need to send flowers or other gifts to co-workers or colleagues. You can find great deals here!
Here is an excerpt from the release:
CHICAGO, Nov. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Consumers looking to save the most on Black Friday now have a single source for finding the best holiday gift deals with the launch of Black Friday 2008 (http://www.bradsdeals.com/black_friday/) at BradsDeals.com, where they can research, plan and execute the best Black Friday shopping.
"Research, make a plan, time your store visits, and avoid stores with limited quantities of low priced items," says shopping guru and BradsDeals' editor-in-chief Brad Wilson. "Having a disciplined holiday shopping strategy is key: know where store items are located, shop with a team to save time, and eat and use the bathroom before you go."
Brad provides millions of consumers with expert shopping advice every day at BradsDeals.com. Besides viewing the shopping ads (http://www.bradsdeals.com/black_friday/ads.cfm) before they're printed in newspapers, consumers can find Brad's commentary, advice and calculated savings for all handpicked Black Friday Deals on BradsDeals.com. Shoppers can also sign-up for Brad's daily email alerts (http://www.bradsdeals.com/add-email.cfm) to keep up with the newest savings that Brad uncovers during the holiday season.
Posted by
7:00 AM
Labels: bargain shopping
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Essence...Still Getting Me in Trouble!
Hey Good People!
I recently received my copy of the recent edition of Essence magazine. I always smile when I look in my mailbox and see my Essence! It brightens my day. You would never know that one time this monthly ritual actually got me in trouble in college.
Real quick story....they year was 1994, it was spring semester of my sophmore year. I stopped at the mailroom on campus to pick up my mail before going to Spanish class. There it was...my copy of Essence along with a whole lot of credit card bills and a little care package from my sister. Even though I knew better I left the other mail and took the magazine along with me to class.
Big Mistake!
Well I thought I would hide in the crowded class room in the fifth row....way in the back. When the professor called on me...I was nose deep in the magazine. I was caught off guard with her question so I said, "Repita por favor?"
She was not having that...."You should pay attention..and not reading your magazine. Get out of my class!"
Yes, homegirl kicked me out of class- all because I was reading Essence! (There is more to the story but I shall not re-count my visit to the Dean's office for my sistagirl response to my professor. Let's just say, I got transferred and had to take my Spanish class in the evening).... My friend Michellene would love to tell you this story!
Any how, it is 2008 and I am still reading Essence and getting in trouble....in a good way - depending on how you look at it! I smelled the sample of Carol's Daughter new perfume, Pearls.
Heavenly! Beautiful!
I immediately went out and purchased it at Sephora (without coupons!). I love it. I had been so disciplined in watching how I spend my money in the this delicate economic market.
I broke...I had to have it....
Maybe you would love it too...so I share this link with you!Enjoy!
P.S. One day I will tell you the rest of my story about my Spanish Class!
Posted by
9:21 PM
Labels: bargain shopping, beauty, fragrance
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tony Rich...Exist
Posted by
8:32 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Pay Close Attention to the Shoes!!!
Hey good people!

Posted by
3:15 PM
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
BB&B - Give me back my money...
Hey Good People!
I wrote some time ago about using the coupons at Bed Bath & Beyond as part of my economic stimulus package. I was going through one of my many pocketbooks that I use during the fall/winter and I found an old receipt from BB&B for a little over $200. I thought to myself about trying to see of the store holds up to allowing customer to use current coupons to readjust old receipts.
I had seven 20% off coupons, current and expired. I took the receipt from February 2008 with my coupons in hand and headed to my favorite store.
I went to customer service and said, "Give me back my money!"
Nah, I am just joking.
I politely said that to the woman behind the counter, "I would like to adjust my receipt with these coupons. " She said, "OK". Simple.
After looking at the receipt to do her magic and pressing a number of keys into the machine. It was a science and she had it mastered.
"Ok, we owe you $56.85 and it will be returned to the credit you used for the original purchase. Sign here. " The woman was happy to give me back my money!
Do you know how much ice cream I could buy??!!!
Well I am going find the other old receipts to so I can get some more money back. Do you have any coupons I can have? Sista girl is trying to further her economic agenda!
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Posted by
11:00 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Where is Beyonce?
I am back from Florida. I missed New York! In less than 24 hours my niece Shadae reminded me of why I love being home! When I am away and return home or she just had not seen me in awhile she asks a lot of questions. There was just question I could not answer...
"Where did you go?" Florida
"What is in the suitcase?" Clothes
"Can I come with you to you room? Yes
"Why do you have two mirrors? Because I like mirrors
"Can I read your magazine?" Yes
There was silence for a few minutes. She was enjoying reading (translation- looking at the pictures) my copy of the latest Essence magazine. Then here came the next conversation:
"Auntie Sandrawa?" Yes
"Where is Beyonce?" Huh?
She was looking at a picture of Beyonce in an ad for some perfume.
"Where is Beyonce?" I don't know
Well that answer was not good enough.
"But I need to see Beyonce!" For what?
"I just need to see her!" Why?
"Cause!" Cause what?
"I want to!" Well I don't know where she is.
She sighed, clearly disappointed. She continued looking at the magazine. Then she said:
"Where is Grandma?" Downstairs.
She hopped off the bed and started down the stairs with the magazine. Now it was my turn to ask the question.
"Where are you going Shadae?"
"I am going to ask Grandma to help me find Beyonce! See you later!"
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Power of 10 for the Hair
10 snaps up for this product! Try it...it is the 10 wonder of the beauty world!
Posted by
7:00 AM
Labels: beauty, good stuff
Monday, September 22, 2008
Take Heed to the Signs...
I am writing you from sunny Florida. The weather is beautiful! I am enjoying my time, especially the relaxed conversations. The one that sticks out the most is about listening into our internal voice and trusting your gut. The truth is told by this voice, it knows right from wrong, it can led you to victory or defeat. I guess as I am getting older I am learning to rely on the voice much more.
I have heard stories over the past fews days that if they had listen to the voice it could have saved a lot of heart aches, prevented personal financial disasters and saved relationships.
What was also refreshing was to hear the other side of the story of how paying attention to the signs led to loving relationships, career advancements and spiritual fulfillment.
If we would just slow down long enough and listen, the voice has alot to say. It would provide clarity to the signs and help you make the decisions to better suit you. When you are a better you, those around you will be better too. And if they don't adjust to the better you then they will bounce up out of your space because there will be no room for them.
But you know what, sometimes the sign is clear as day-right in front of your face. Just pay attention. When it says, "NO DIVING", guess what you should do? Right- don't dive!
Now if you have the burning desire to dive- find some place where diving is allowed. Just read the sign-find the one that says "FINEST DIVING SKILLS WELCOMED!"
Posted by
2:50 PM
Labels: good stuff
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Summer Memories
How was your weekend? Mine was good. I spent the time chilling at home on Saturday. Today my friend Michelle and I had brunch at a nice restaurant in New Rochelle.
After brunch I came home and just taking inventory of what I did this summer. I did a lot. But what I was most proud of was my garden. When I bouthgt my house nearly two years ago I was "challenged" in the green thumb area. Flowers were dying left and right. It would be pretty and colorful for a hot minute and then poof... DEAD!
But not any more. I got the hang of it with the help of my neighbors seven year grandson. Look, I will take all the help I can get!
I am glad that I did. I took this photo to add to my summer memories. Pretty isn't it?
I will gladly help you next year- I will ask my neighbor if her grandson can come along.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Loving...Jennifer Hudson - Spotlight
It is raining here in the NYC area. It is chilly so I needed something to make me warm. Hazelnut coffee hit the spot. As I was making the coffee, this song came on the radio and I just started jamming in the kitchen. I was dancing with the sugar and milk. You could not tell me that I was not Jennifer singing my behind off!
Even after the song went off I was still swaying my hips and hummning. That was the longest damn cup of coffee to make. You know a song is good when you still dancing to it after six commercials come on and then something like your mom calling you from upstairs to turn on the damn kettle!
Posted by
9:58 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Just Playing...
You know a staycation can work wonders. I really liked staying home for a week cleaning and re-arranging things. I went through my photo collection to organize it by date. (This is about the 400th time I tried to do this). Organizing my photos meant opening up the memory chest. I had some good memories. Family events, hanging out with my friends and plenty of wedding shots - the bridesmaid, never the bride.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Discipline...Start Them Young...
I love this picture. This is one of my little cousins in Jamaica. I was so amazed when I saw her washing - she was so serious about it. In this photo, she is three years old going on 30! She is washing her great-grandmother's (my grand aunt) under garmets. It is something she did everyday. That little girl LOVED her great grandma. She passed away recently. This photo, for me, represents love, respect and discipline. You can see it all in her eyes.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
They Sent the Wrong One to Cooking School!...

Check out the stove!
Some of you may know that my younger sister Claudia is a chef. But everyday I remind my mother and my entire family that they sent the wrong one to cooking school. I should have been the one throwing on the apron, banging the pots around and breaking a dish or two (or three!).
I got skills in the kitchen! Give me some Ramen Noodles (3 for $2!) and I can present you a gourmet meal with the random stuff in the cabinets. My girls from SHU can tell you. Well, first they may crack the jokes about my BBQ chicken (my classic dish - I always make it!). When they get past that - they will vouch for my extensive cooking skills. No recipe book! No Johnson & Wales degree (no dis to my sister)! Just straight up natural ability.
I learned how to cook in Jamaica when I was 8 years old. My grandmother taught me. I did not learn on a traditional stove. We cooked with heated rocks and burning wood. On my recent trip back there earlier this year I was so excited to cook again outside - like I was eight. My grandmother is no longer with us - but I tell you, she was there with me in spirit seasoning the chicken and helping me make the fire.
If you have ever had the great pleasure of enjoying my cooking, say thanks to my grandmother for being the best teacher in the world!

That is me frying some chicken - skills baby! (Jamaica, 2008)
Political Observation to Share
Goldie Taylor wrote a thought provoking political observation on EbonyJet.com. I was so moved when I read this - I thought to share this with you!
A Woman's Worth
We've come a long way baby
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
By Goldie Taylor
I have been a mother all of my adult life. A single working mother. I put off dating, took menial jobs far beneath my qualifications and baked my share of ginger bread cookies for PTA Night, all so that three incredible children could have better. I chose their lives over mine. I don't have to tell you that it wasn't easy. Unfortunately, my story, our story, is not unique.
We slept in cars, bought groceries with food stamps and prayed for a better day. When that wasn't enough, I put myself through school at Emory University and took a part-time job as a staff writer at the Atlanta Journal Constitution. That was over a decade ago.
Along the way, things got better. I've been an executive at two Fortune 500 companies and a practice director at two multinational public relations firms. Today, I own an advertising agency and I've authored two novels. A third and fourth are on the way, God willing. All of this was possible because somebody laid a brick or two on the road for me.
A few weeks ago, I woke in tears. It was my 40th birthday and certainly not a time for sadness. Rather, I cried in joy because for the first time I realized and could embrace the value of the struggle. The bright little girl, who once cried in my arms because we didn't know where we were going to live, was headed off to Brown University. The small boy who had been the "man of the house" far too soon was now truly a man. And the tiny, angelic baby who had come to this world precious and innocent just 15 months after him was now a 16 year old girl headed out to her first job interview.
For all of this, maybe I should be proud of a woman like Sarah Palin. Maybe, just maybe, I should be rejoicing in John McCain's selected running mate.
But I'm not.
Click here to read more on EbonyJet.com
Posted by
10:24 AM
Labels: good stuff
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Great Read...The January Girl
Hey Good People!
I am originally from East St. Louis, Illinois, although I have lived in Atlanta for most of last 23 years.
In My Father’s House was optioned for film two years ago. The process has been slow and coming, but it’s on God’s time. Of that, I am sure. Meanwhile, I have completed a third manuscript, COME SUNDAY. I’m so very excited about the story, which is told from the perspective of a 19 year old heroin addict.
When and why did you begin writing?
I started writing out of anger more than anything else. Life wasn’t giving me what I thought I deserved, so I began writing my way out of that circumstance—literally. But the truth is, I’ve been an avid storyteller my entire life. I am a former journalist.
They say the best fiction is non-fiction. The people and things that inhabit my life are my greatest source of influence. But more than that, I am influenced by the world as I think it should be. My works tends to be more about me righting (or writing) that world.

The January Girl is as much about me as it is about my sister-friends. I wanted to write about imperfect love and put some of my own heartbreak on the table. Perfection lies in imperfection. So I took several very imperfect people and walked them on a journey together. Thandy (the lead character) is a close to me as any I have created.
That love is the only perfect thing.
More than I’d like to admit.
I plead the fifth. (Can you do that in an interview?)
Rick Bragg writes about his life and his family. We couldn’t be more different. (He’s white and I’m black, for starters). But there was so much authenticity. I thought, “now if I can get to that truth, I’d be in heaven.” The truth is the kind of writing, as Bragg will tell you, is painful. The books are Ava’s Man, All of But the Shouting, and The Prince of Frogtown.
Eric Jerome Dickey and I are great friends. He has a home in Atlanta. When he’s in town (and neither of us is working) we get together for lunch. I could listen to him talk all day. I’ve learned more about this business from him than almost anyone.
I am a member of the Atlanta Writer’s Club and plan to attend a literary colony in late October. There was a time when I leaned on friends to help me edit, but that’s asking a lot. So instead, I’ve turned to professional development. My writing is my craft. My commitment to myself and my readers is to get better with every line.
Slavery by Another Name by Douglas Blackmon (my former colleague at the Atlanta Journal Constitution). It deserves a Pulitzer Award.
Are you listening to any music that is inspiring you right now?
Not really, my music tastes are eclectic.
To everything there is a season. I wish I were more like Thandy.
COME SUNDAY is about a 19 year old heroin addict who has been murdered. She tells her story from the other side of the grave. Who killed her? How did her mother grieve? What took her to that final moment?
Want to write a book? Start by keeping a journal. Write every day. For me, I do three pages (long hand) every morning about the first thing that comes to mind. It’s an amazing release and a wonderful way to walk your path to Truth.
Posted by
8:26 PM
Labels: good books
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The Right Song...Jazmine Sullivan- Need U Bad
Hey good people,
I am on vacation (at home) and I am catching up on some things like mail, bills and organizing the songs on my iPOD. I grew up with music. No I am not a singer, DJ, rapper - I am a born fan. I am the fan that can listen to any type of music - as long as the lyrics and the beat align to my heartbeat and stir my soul. Music that can allow me to feel what I want at that moment. Love. Sadness. Happiness. I just love the feeling of putting on the "mood" music and I can sit in my favorite spot, lean back with my eyes closes and just groove to the beat. There is nothing like a song that says EXACTLY what you want, EXACTLY what you feel.
You want an example. Check out this song by Jazmine Sullivan. Push play. Sit back and close your eyes and just groove. Feel me?
Posted by
11:30 PM
Friday, August 29, 2008
Here's to my Labor Day Stay-cation
I thought you might need something to help you along this holiday weekend. I am staying home but my stay-cation is going to be great! I have memories of previous vacations to last me until America's pockets get better.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
First Breeze of Summer is HOT!
The cast of "The First Breeze of Summer"

Check out the story about Brandon and Jason
Me and Crystal, Opening Night After Party, NYC
Posted by
9:57 PM
Labels: NYC, opening night, play
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
I Need a Cracker...
On occasion, I play the favorite Auntie Sandra to a number of nieces, nephews (and sometimes little cousins who think I am their aunt to!). There is one in particular that works "Auntie Sandrawa" (very unique greeting...sounds like Sand-JWAH..I don't know...it is just different). Her name, Shadae and she just turned three years old. Among the many workings she puts on me, the one that I have to share is the cracker conversation.
On my way home from watching the movie, Sex and the City, (Sidebar -for someone who never (I mean never) watched the series, I loved the movie!), I got a call from my mom that "The Girls" were staying the night - Candace 9, Cierra 6 and Shadae 3. That should just tell you the story right there!
When I got home it was about 11 pm, the house was quiet and dark. I thought to myself, they are sleeping. Great, I will be "auntie" in the morning. I did my usual routine before retreating to room (up two long flights of stairs) - I got a tall glass of Kool-Aid and a bottle of water. Just as I was turning around to shut off the light a little girl says, "Hi Auntie Sandrawa". Shoot, it is her. I thought I was in the clear.
"Can I have a cracker?"
Easy. I gave her two crackers and she followed me up stairs. My mom's room is on the second floor. I thought she was going to dart into grandma's room. Nope. She was right on the heel of my foot. Then another one joined her out of no where.
"Auntie Sandra, can I sleep with you too?" Too? It dawned on me that Shadae had invited herself to sleep in my room and Cierra was just asking to join the party. What could I say? At least she asked. Shadae lives off of assumptions.
"Sure - where is Candace?" I asked Cierra.
She replies, "Sleeping with Grandma."
Ok, I thought, I can deal with just the two. We went up the second flight of stairs. Cierra jumped in my bed and was knocked out in a flash. I couldn't wait to do the same. I put my Kool-Aid and water on the nightstand as I began the second routine for the night - getting ready for bed.
All the while, Shadae is finishing up her crackers. I changed into my pj's really quick. I was tired and sleep was calling me. Shadae then begins the memorable conversation as I was washing my face.
"Auntie Sandrawa, I need another cracker."
Splashing water on my face, I said "No, you just had some." Splash, splash, splash.
Shadae - "But I need it."
Me - "No." (I thought I was stern!?)
Shade - "I really need it."
This girl is crazy. She was asking me to down two flights of stairs, get some little crackers, go back up the stairs and push my heart rate up?!
Me - "No - you will get it in the morning"
(In disbelief) Shadae - "Not the morning, I need it now!"
She don't know who she is dealing with.
Me - "Little girl, go to bed."
Shadae - "I'm not tired".
Hold up...she has lost her mind. I was not going to argue with a three year old. I picked her up and put her in the bed with the Dora doll she left in my room from her last visit. She looked at me and said, "You are not being fair".
Over a cracker? I put her under the covers next to her sister and said, "You will thank me for this lesson later. Go to bed and not another word."
Sista girl was mad at me! I turned on the TV to calm my nerves. She was wide awake. I told her three times to go to bed and she replies each time, "I'm NOT tired". Attitude, attitude I made a note to tell on her in the morning! Yes, I will tell on a three year old!
About fifteen minutes later, she started again, in a sleepy tone.
Shade - "Auntie Sandrawa?"
Me - "Yes"
Shadae - "Dora's tired".
Me - Well put her to sleep.
She thought she was slick. Instead of admitting that she was tired, she put it on Dora. Next thing you know, old girl was knocked out and had the nerve to snore! It was a long night. They were kicking the hell out of me as they tossed and turned the whole night. Uggh!!!
As daylight broke, Shadae woke me up with several taps. Stared dead in my face and said, " Auntie Sandrawa? I need a cracker. Its the morning!"
Posted by
10:32 PM
Labels: family, funny stories, home
Monday, August 18, 2008
Showtime - Birthday Brings Back Memories
Posted by
8:50 PM
Labels: funny stories
Sunday, August 17, 2008
myShape - Personal Online Clothing Stores
myShape - Personal Online Clothing Stores
Did you hear about this site that provides you the comfort to shop by your shape? I was surfing the web and found this neat site MyShape. So interesting. They outline The 7 Body Shapes. I love the Style Trends & Advice section. They also sell accessories - very nice too!
Just thought I would share...
Oprah.com: Live Your Best Life
Oprah.com: Live Your Best Life
Hey good people!
If you are like me, it may be hard to catch The Oprah Winfrey Show (4:00 pm EST - I am usually at work, 7:00 pm EST- probably just leaving work and 1:00 am EST - I am sleeping!!)
So how do I get my Oprah fix? I subscribe to the magazine but I visit the website on the regular. I will surf through pages for about 15 minutes or more. Did you know that there is a free standing Oprah store in Chicago? I am going to make it my business to visit the store on my next trip to Chicago.

Posted by
11:46 AM
Labels: celebrity, good stuff
Thursday, August 14, 2008
eBay....One Man's Junk is Another's Treasure
Hey Good People!

Posted by
10:06 PM
Labels: good stuff
Thursday, July 31, 2008
This is a really cool video....with a powerful message...Pass it on!
Posted by
9:52 PM
Labels: good stuff
Timetable to Eliminate Debt...
Posted by
5:08 PM
OutARoad...Current Island Vibes...

Check out "OutARoad.com"
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sharing...New & Cuil Search Engine

Taken directly from their "About Us" page:
The Internet has grown exponentially in the last fifteen years but search engines have not kept up—until now. Cuil searches more pages on the Web than anyone else—three times as many as Google and ten times as many as Microsoft.
Rather than rely on superficial popularity metrics, Cuil searches for and ranks pages based on their content and relevance. When we find a page with your keywords, we stay on that page and analyze the rest of its content, its concepts, their inter-relationships and the page’s coherency.
Then we offer you helpful choices and suggestions until you find the page you want and that you know is out there. We believe that analyzing the Web rather than our users is a more useful approach, so we don’t collect data about you and your habits, lest we are tempted to peek. With Cuil, your search history is always private.
Cuil is an old Irish word for knowledge. For knowledge, ask Cuil.
Posted by
9:54 PM
Economic Stimulus Package....Coupons?
I don't mind sharing my idea of an economic stimulus package...coupons! It is nothing new, not innovative, not some big bright idea. It has been around for awhile...coupons. Want to stimulate the economy? Give me some coupons (and a rebate check!). I mean real meaningful coupons - for brand name stuff.
For example, I used to throw away those big blue and white Bed Bath & Beyond coupon. Not anymore honey....not when I learned I can buy more than bath towels at this spot and get 20% off a single item. And you know what is the great thing about BB&B? They take as many coupons that you have, including the expired ones. You have 20 items and you have 20 coupons (this is possible..I saw a lady with a handful of them)...you get 20% off each item. And what is even greater about my peoples at BB&B..they even take the competitors coupons!!!!
Now, the catch is you can't combine them with the $5 off coupon. But you know what, I am fine with that because I learned how to be strategic with the coupons. You should see me and my mom at the register...I am happy when it is time to present my coupons!!!
Want to sign up for some coupons with BB&B: Click here to get join their mailing list!
Posted by
12:36 AM
Labels: bargain shopping, coupons
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
First Breeze of Summer...
Hey good people...
Remember I told you way back in the day about Crystal and Brandon? The up and coming actors? Well I am going to update you about them and someone else in the group, Jason Dirden. Yes, they are family. Brief background for those just catching up...Crystal is married to Brandon and Jason is his brother which makes him Crystal's bro-in-law. Got it? Oh yeah, most importantly, all three are in the cast of the highly anticipated play, "The First Breeze of Summer"."The First Breeze of Summer" is the first production of the Signature Theatre's 2008-2009 season celebrating the historic Negro Ensemble Company (NEC). "The First Breeze of Summer" by Leslie Lee and directed by Ruben Santiago-Hudson, begins previews on August 5, 2008 and continues through September 28 at the Peter Norton Space located at 555 West 42nd Street in New York City.
The original production of "The First Breeze of Summer", directed by NEC founder Douglas Turner Ward, received a Tony Award nomination for Best Pla
I am going to check it out and I hope you do too!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Check out this Magazine...Jersey Woman

Posted by
10:00 AM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Singing Vernon...Reggae Crusade...
Hey good people,

Posted by
9:36 PM
Hair Care...Inexpensive...Works Wonders
Greetings good people,

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
Hey good people...

Posted by
8:44 PM